Love is blind..............NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me summarize the movie for y'all. Tinuke has been dating Kayode since their university days and in this movie they painted a picture showing that Tinuke loved Kayode more than he loved her so of course she was the one bearing it all. Kayode happens to be from a humble family so I guess he considered the relationship and decided to you know go along with it since the girl loves him and she is from a wealthy family but his character never showed he was with her because of her father's wealth but anyway marriage rights took place with the whole introduction thing to go with it. Tinuke's family decided to sponsor Kayode's trip to the UK after his university so he could have greater opportunities since they felt his success was also their daughter's success.
Kayode's trip to UK was cut short because cocaine was found in his luggage. Meanwhile this cocaine was given to him by the bad friends he kept while in the university so he could deliver it to only God knows who, they also promised their boss was gonna bail him out if he gets caught.
Tinuke who was with Kayode when this cocaine was found in his luggage swore her life that the cocaine belonged to her and gave the D.P.O and her parents a cock and bull story of how she had been into cocaine since her university days and wanted to deliver it to someone in the UK who she had described Kayode to (I swear I had to double check if she actually put that cocaine in his luggage). She was obviously imprisoned. I think it was supposed to be a 4years sentence or there about. When Kayode asked why she did that for him the olodo said her father was influential and would get her out of prison in at most 4months while he had nobody that could do that for him.
Please permit me to rant * EVEN IF MY FATHER IS THE PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA, OH BOY YOU'D PAY FOR YOUR OWN SIN OH! WHILE I CARRY MY OWN CROSS* If not for anything the fact I have to bear an ''ex-convict'' when I'm out of the sh** hole of a prison. Don't get me wrong oh, he's my fiancé *yes* I'd use that same influence my Dad has to help him out of prison not replace him shuuu! he'd have to stay there for a while so when next home boy see's cocaine he'd flee.
Unluckily for Tinuke her father was shot by armed robbers before arrangements where concluded to bring her out of prison so ''Abokoku''(I go follow husband die) stayed there for 4 years oh! while home boy(Kayode) stopped visiting her, started having a swell time and even got married and had a child.
By the way you needed to see the oath Tinuke took in one Babalawo's place of what should happen to her if she doesn't marry Kayode, I swear people who have been married for over 15years would not swear that kind of oath. Babe went on and on that if she refused Kayode as her choice of a husband, she should run mad, she shouldn't have any other husband not even a child, she should never be happy, she should become worthless and sorrowful. Ah Babe made me fear oh!
If there are actually people like this in reality Omo mehn! straight to psychiatric home oh or better still they should be seriously flogged with a horse tail whip till they get sane, this kind love is DELUSIONAL and unhealthy.
Back to more movies, my break is almost over and I'm trying to watch all I can before I get back to school work....Take care people and don't be an Abokoku!! :)