William Shakespeare: spoke in a whisper when they talk about love
kamal chnawi : . Love, unbearable hell. . . Life without love is unbearable Naim
Byron: Friendship may grow to become the love, but love does not retreat into a friendship
Simon de Bravo: Love the experience of living does not only suffer from the situation
the love it's the king therefore above the law
. Love is like war easy to trigger. . . But it's hard to die out
Love is the only game involving the two together and gain or lose together
Love part of a man, but the presence of women throughout
Byron: the man likes to be happy in life, and women to live happy love
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: May generate the word love, but he can never die, the word
. Love does not kill the lovers. . . It is only they are caught between life and death
Who loves all true or not true of anything
Young people hope for love Money Health, but the day will come when they wish Health Money Love
Giraldi: . Love is a tragedy that the man wants to be the first to enter the hearts of women. . .
And women want to be the last to enter a man's heart
Byron: The love of my heart is not Bmnsec beloved beauty: the love of a weak
Mahmoud Abbas Akkad: . Of love. . . Love forever
Plato: in the love letters we send and the other Nmzgaha and the most beautiful letters that do not write
Love is blind
Love is blind
Schopenhauer: Love and a rose and women Huktha
Jarlsson: Double the love of paper men, and weakens the paper woman
Richter: Love weaken the discipline in women and strengthens the man
Abrjer to: Love duel graduated from women if they are victorious
Charles Dress: Love of women for the flower Krahiq
Anis Mansour: Love when a man seriously ill, and when a woman of great virtue
Madame de Stahl: Selfish love two
Fillon: Love makes people crazy monsters
: Shakespeare: What is love only madness
Helen Ronald: women love the spring and fall of man
: Such as the German: Love sees roses without thorns
Ali Murad: If you Ohpetk women faint, and faint if I loved you
Bernard Shaw: Women in Love permission to enter her heart, and the men enter it without the permission of his heart, and this is Museibtn
Ali Murad: If you loved the women did a lot, and I spoke a little
Shakespeare: Love is blind and devotees do not see the folly of committing
Bernice: If you complained about the cruelty of man-woman, know that his heart between her hands
Gibran Khalil Gibran: Love tear and a smile
Chelor: the liking of me to love her, Itrabha be miserable in the process of
). Clark Gable: If you love a woman is not carrying it ((I love you)). . . The first of these words make women think you have to control
Brunli: If I heard that the woman she loved a poor man, know that they are crazy, or go to the ear doctor to make sure you hear well
Shakespeare: Love is stronger, it makes the beast of man, and sometimes makes a man a beast
: Buricios: Love knows no law
Mencken: Love delusion you are a woman different from the others
Oorubedis: Love is the most sweetness and bitterness of the most
Balzac: love woman, man and deprivation
George Sand: The more love redouble our fear of the abuse of love
Chison: better for us to love Venkhvq, that you do not ever want to
Well-kept: the fire of love when the woman is sacred, does not burn before the idols
Cornail: It is difficult to hate a lot of loved
Stendhal: Results of an unexpected love
Byron: If a man loves a woman Sagaha cup of kindness, and if women liked a man to her lips always Ozmoth
Madame de Style: Love is the history of women, not only transient incident in the life of man
Such as Polish: Love enters a man through the eyes, and women enter through the ears
Dobrier: Men die of love, and women Ihieddin tags Cervantes: Jealousy is a tyrant in the Kingdom of Love
Nietzsche: the puzzle of women, his key word is: Love
Plato: Women Without love dead woman
Beef: You do not love only what we imagine
Mohamed Abdel-Moneim: Love does not resplendent flower scent smells unless it drops of tears fell
Spencer: love is stronger emotions because it is the most complex
St. POV: Love is the tears, crying that means you love
Dolinko: there is great love to His Excellency the few and misery of many
Gibran Khalil Gibran: Love HE tremble
Wales: The love for a woman down in a moment of silence, filled with suspicion and admiration