The Akris Spring 2011 show was inspired by designer Albert Kriemler’s two vacation day trip in Japan. In collaboration with Akris, Paul Steiger of Walter Steiger shoes, created this wedge called the Ishi.. or “stone” in Japanese. The objective was to recreate the look and posture of standing without shoes on a round stone. With the toes perpetually pointed downwards, it's very reminiscent of a ballerina en pointe.
Umm.. yeah.. I'm going to have to vote SOLE NOT on this one. I'm all about creativity and innovation but I can't support this. You guys know that I am VERY BIG on details and innovation but I immediately think of an ARMADILLO when I see this shoe. Besides that, what woman is really going out on the town with a desire to feel like she's walking on a round stone??? *blank stare* I mean seriously.. what woman do you know that would like to hit up an event standing on her tip toes all night?? *grasshoppers chirping* Zip Zero.